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Smart Packing Tips For Moving

Smart Packing Tips For Moving

Are You Getting Ready To Move? We’ve Got Smart Packing Tips For Moving.

Packing and moving is always a challenge, no matter how many times you’ve done it. In this new video, one of our clients here at Corcoran Connect shares tried and tested smart packing tips for moving.

Check out these easy moving house hacks.

  • Rent a U-Haul truck. It can be tempting to try and do this on your own. You think you may be saving money, but you are spending more time and effort. It can cause unnecessary stress, which is the last thing you need when moving. The convenience and expertise offered by professional moving services is worth the cost.
  • Use their movers. Another moving hack is to take advantage of this bundled service. On U-Haul, there are three levels to choose from. Each mover has its own pricing, so you can choose one based on your budget.
  • Read the reviews. Don’t skip the reviews. This helps you make an informed decision.
  • Prioritize. In our clients’ case, they were coming from a two-story house. They asked the movers to prioritize the items upstairs, as these are harder to move without assistance. Keep in mind that you will only have them for a certain number of hours, so prioritize the parts that you need the most help with.
  • Pack the small stuff first. Do not wait until the last minute. Pack what you can before the movers arrive. Maximize your paid time by having them move the heavier and larger items.

More Packing Tips For Moving

The couple on the video has done this twice and they’ve had excellent results. According to them, the movers show up on time and ready to work. They work non-stop and get the work done. In fact, they can get a lot done in a three-hour time frame. Our clients’ packing hack is ideal if you do not have the budget to pay for a complete hands-off full moving service.

If you are looking for more general ideas on how to pack fast, here are some more packing tips to get you started.

  • Don’t mix items from different rooms in the same box. If it’s the bathroom items box, keep it that way. This will make your life easier come unpacking time. Label each box, and if you can, make an inventory list to help you track your belongings.
  • Learn how to pack fragile items. If you have oil paintings, do not wrap them in regular paper because they will stick. Use wax paper or non-acidic plastic wrap with no patterns. For breakables like your dishes, use packing paper to wrap each one and then wrap them in bundles with more paper. Dishes should be packed on their sides.
  • Save money on bubble wrap. Use clothes or linen instead. If you use plastic wrap, you can wrap your items as-is. For instance, you can do this with your utensils tray instead of transferring the contents into a box.

Quick Tips For Moving

Packing is the most challenging part of moving, but it’s not the only thing you have to think about. These moving tips will also help make your transition seamless and worry-free.

  • Declutter. New home, new beginnings. Now’s the time to let go of items you have not used in at least 12 months. Consider the size and layout of your new home when deciding which items to bring with you.
  • Update your details. Before you get caught up in the packing (and unpacking) process, change the details on your utility bills and subscriptions two weeks before moving.
  • No more grocery shopping. On your last week, hold off on the groceries and use up whatever you have left.

Easy Moving Tips And More

Follow our blog and check out our YouTube channel for more moving house tips and packing ideas. We also provide expert information about Central Florida real estate particularly in the Saint Cloud, Harmony, Kissimmee, and Lake Nona areas.

Questions? Give us a call today.

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